Page 7-The Darker side
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Page 7-The Darker side
The first drawing to kick off this page, is Fox slashing someone in half.. You see, I didn't really like how cartoony Fox got, So I wanted to bring him back to his darker roots. This picture shows him slashing up what is actually a theif, who was stupid and tried to mug him.. A few things to Note:
1. The knife is NOT supposed to be stabbed in his leg.. but it looks like it. It was just supposed to be dropped.
2. This picture was done as a stage drawing. Meaning that I show different stages of how I go about it. The background is sketched, the thief is sketched with some shading, and Fox is fully shaded. I'm very happy with this.. I get alot of comments like "I dont remember him being so Violent!" And to that, I say "Good! because he IS! Just not all the time.."
The next one I have here, is Fox doing an ability He doesn't really have! A fire-first. No, Originally, I was going to make it a lightning fist.. but it looked like crap, and before I knew it, it looked like fire. It was about that time I said "ah.. screw it.." and just went with it. So this is okay I suppose.
This picture didn't turn out as cool as I wanted. It's supposed to be Fox, summoning down some lightning blasts to strike him. He can do this to gain energy, so it's done quite often. This just didn't turn out as well as I wanted though. .
Heres a picture I'm VERY happy with! More of the darker tone, this is Fox getting ready to blast you with whatever he's charging, right after he made a slash at someone. I just love the lightning and the pose on it. PLUS this was the first time I've actually gotten DECENT lightning drawn before.. with Fox that is.. I just hate most of everything else before this,  lightning-wise. So yeah, I like this one ^_^
All Pictures created by:
Nathan Horsfall

Copyright 2002 and beyond
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Perhaps the darkest and bloodiest picture I have ever drawn. Even worse than my Power Ranger dismemberment. This actually has a PURPOSE, and wasn't drawn for the point of just killing things. I actually drew this to help myself feel better when I was showered with a rainstorm of bad news. It was very therapeutic.. And then it got fun. I always wanted to do one of these kind of drawings anyway. But the message is clear: Fox has be very very dangerous and nasty if he needs/wants to be. Of course, he wouldn't do something like this unless he'd snapped and let his evil side out. But the threat is clearly there.
I saved these as huge pictures so you can see every last detail. So be warned..
And I made the red one for fun, just to show off all the blood a little better. Sometimes that stuff looks like shadows.. and it isn't. But they're both the same drawing, just colored differently in Photoshop. The original one is the blue.
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