Page 6
Back to the "No Theme" style of this web gallery. Here we have a shot of Fox just blasting out some high intense electric energy. I especially like this drawing for the sorta rushed-but stylized, shading method I used. It gives it a dramatic look, without going overboard.
Thumbs Up! Job Well done.. or something like that. And no, he ISN'T clutching his shoulder. I already did a drawing like that..
Both of these were drawn for the DRF storyline. At one point Fox combines with this creature known as "Id" and it changes his human form drastically. This is what it looks like now. And he's eyeing the strange marks on his arms that come wih the transformation. Like a reminder of what he did. It's complicated, maybe  one of these days I'll actually get back to writing about DRF and explain..
Fox's human form, half shaded. I drew this up and then I was like: "nah... this kinda sucks.." so I stopped working on it.. heh
This is a fun drawing. First off, one of my friends made a comment of "you should dress Fox up in a superhero's outfit!" and I thought it would be really funny so I did. Obviously, he's not that happy about it. The comment about not being drag should also be obvious.. if you've looked at the earlier pages. You HAVEN'T? well get looking!
Oh yeah, and take a guess at who the person is thats talking to him.. i'll give you a hint..
It's not me..
well.. wait.. no.. actually..
ah hell.. it's me.. -_-
Here's a drawing I did for a friend. This is really complicated, but basically in the time I was away on my CA trip, they were gonna have Fox get arrested and explain his absense with that. So, here he is being arrested! And thats my friends laughing in the background, and lastly me of course.. shocked and confused..  Maybe not as much as Fox though.
A Simple, but good drawing. Just Fox with his sword. As much as he uses it.. I have SO few drawings with it.. So this was done to correct that. Not a bunch of drawings.. but it's one more than I had before!
Just a random fun picture. This is more focused on Noah, but Fox is there. In disgust..
Noah has this obsession with playing.. of all things.. Mr. Bucket. And he has SO much fun playing, it's funny and pathetic. Always trying to get Fox to play, Fox usually just sits of the the side and shakes his head as he watches Noah run around like a nutcase.
This was drawn as a bunch of different pieces, then stuck together with Photoshop. The background sure isn't one of my best, but I just got tired of working on it. It's supposed to be the FotHB Tavern.
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