Gallery Page 5
I drew this picture when I was REALLY mad about something.. drawing can be so thereputic.. Anyway, this is more of Fox and his lightning powers, letting loose a major powerful blast. If this were real, that sucker would be a full half circle, 360 deg around Fox.
Heres an easy one, He's sleepin. Or resting, whatever the case may be. It's alright, the rock he's on really sucks, but I didnt really feel like drawing backrounds that day. Still, Fox himself is okay I think.
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All Pictures created by:
Nathan Horsfall

Copyright 2002 and beyond
This is one of the drawings that helped me create Fox in 3d. Much like a templete, I tried to go more detailed than I normally would, for a sketch. This particular drawing is shown on the model sheet I had to make, farther down.
Same deal, just a side view this time.
For this, it was done after 2 of Fox's friends were killed. They both died at exactly the same time.. pretty much, and so, I drew this up as a tribute to them. Plus, I don't usually do many fully drawn pictures much nowadays.. so it was a nice change. The names on the graves are "Tash" and "Kryn" They were meant to look hand carved, so it isn't the best handwriting.

This drawing I really like, because it's alot more different than what I usually do, and it works! This is called "forced perspective" which is where you have an object so close, and the angle is so extreme, it looks huge, when it really isn't. So thats what's going on with the tail there..

This is really simple. It's a model sheet.. If you cruised the whole gallery already, you'll notice that most of the stuff on here, is from previous drawings! Just not the expressions. But if you go farther down.....

Well here we have a whole bunch of different expressions! I realized "hey.. I don't have any pages of expressions up here.." So I decided to dump the bunch I have, up for your viewing pleasure 3 pages full. Expressions are very important to a character drawing, you can tell alot  just by the face, so I thought it a good idea to show you what I have.