Creations from text
This is a section i didn't think i would ever have, a section dedicated to characters i have drawn up, but were not my creations. The reason i never expected to go far with this is because i usually do not like drawing other people's characters (who dont have drawings of them, just a vision in the creators mind) due to the fact that no matter how close i might get, it is honestly impossible to get the drawing 100% perfect. Why? because i can't see into their minds, i dont know exactly EXACTLY what the character looks like, i only get a vague idea from the description they give me, which are not even pictures, but text. I've decided however, to start doing this because it's a challenge to draw from just a text description, (and you know i love challanges) plus, if i can actually do a decent recreation of their character, why shouldnt i? Most of my friends really cant draw, so unless they either find someone to draw their character for them, or just rip off someone elses, they will never have that charcter become more than just an idea in their heads. So if i can bring that character to life on paper, then i think i really should.
Since this section is all charcters made from just text, and maybe tiny bits of pictures, i will list the description i was given by the creator, their name, and a link to their site (if they have one).
Soul al'Tanres
Creator: Scott (dont know his last name..)
Tarron123: Well, he's quite tall(duh), muscular, has shoulder length, black hair
Tarron123: Generally wears a plain green tunic, brown pants and stout turn-down boots
Tarron123: Also a belt with a pack at the hip
Tarron123: On the other hip is a battle axe, other the shoulder is his bastard sword, and finally there is a black shoulder plate on his left shoulder
FoxxDragon311: anything else?
Tarron123: You need anything else?
FoxxDragon311: i need as much as you can possibly give
Tarron123: Erm, blue eyes, that have a hard look, his eyebrows would be furrowed.  Clean shaven face with a strong chin
Tarron123: Wide shoulders and a straight posture
FoxxDragon311: just tell me when you're all done describing ^_^
Tarron123: :::Scratches his head:::Some hair on the forearms...a ring on his left ring finger...err, thats about it
FoxxDragon311: cool 

Noah Hyral
Creator: Kyle Rickard
Website: Noah Hyral
Kyle said Noah had sephiroth hair, but shorter. He also said he didnt wear a shirt and has alot of scars on his chest, as if an animal had attacked him. Later, i asked him for some more.

FoxxDragon311: well thanks! i needed to ask you alot of questions before going on
Dragon Noah: Ah. I see...well, go ahead. I have all night. Sorta.
FoxxDragon311: first, what kind of pants?
Dragon Noah: Like, blue jeans. Sorta baggy.
FoxxDragon311: okay, boots?
Dragon Noah: Moccasins.
FoxxDragon311: wings?

Dragon Noah: The one thing I can't get down...
Dragon Noah: Hold on a sec
FoxxDragon311: well, are they bat-ish like Fox's? or a birds? etc?
FoxxDragon311: and k
Dragon Noah: ::Points at his mailbox:: You got some
FoxxDragon311: yeah, those are bat
Dragon Noah: Yeah..
FoxxDragon311: no sweat
Dragon Noah: Anything else?
FoxxDragon311: what else is missing?
Dragon Noah: Well, no...
Dragon Noah: Unless you want to throw on his necklace..
FoxxDragon311: i mean, on the drawing, besides what we said. what else?
Dragon Noah: I don't think there is anything else. Except you should shade one eye a bit darker than the other.
FoxxDragon311: okay
FoxxDragon311: that it?
Dragon Noah: Yeah, pretty much.
FoxxDragon311: sweet
Dragon Noah: Why? Think there'd be a lot more?
FoxxDragon311: nope
FoxxDragon311: but that means i'll have it done by tonight i think

Gifts for a friend
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all DRAWINGS, not characters, created by Nathan Horsfall
Characters are copywritten by their owners
This drawing was a present for Ali Floyd, who I amazingly never drew ANY fanart for. I felt bad about it, and started to go totally over the top and pay him back for never having done anything. After all, he did lots of Fox drawings for me! So I owed him one, or two.. or five..
This drawing was done to show 2 aspects of things I do well (usually). Animation, and shading. I don't really have to point out to you where those elements are, do I?
This is present #2. The last aspect I (usually) do good with. Backgrounds. It was done sorta at the last minute, but then my scanner broke so it was okay that i had more time. I actually did this entire drawing on the Buses and trains of SF, going to work each morning and night. I asked Ali what kind of picture he would like from me, and he said:
"Hikari looking at a waterfall and sitting on a rock"
So.. I did that.
The colors were added in Photoshop, just to give it en extra kick. And they are colored that way for a reason. 3 parts to the picture.
Character, Forest, Water.
This is a character that I drew for someone, except that it's MY fantart for HIS character. So luckily, I had something to work with, and could look at something and say "ohhh.. thats what he looks like.." So this was far easier than my other friend's projects.
Hikari Tenshi
Creator: Ali Floyd
Creator: Louis (dont know his last name..)
For this, it actually wasn't a creation from text. He made me a drawing, but I'm not sure if i can post it, so I'm not going to. For now, just see Brander as he is! And the real reason I made him, so I could put him into a comic strip. So check that out.

Creator: Guarder (Aol SN)
This guy actually came out of the blue one day and asked me if i could do a picture for him. A sketch, for free. Most times I say "maybe" and don't get to it for months, but I had some extra time so i whipped it upin about 10-15 min, based off:
Guarder:  Well, Guarder is...
Guarder:  He's just under 15 years of age (by days now) and he stands about 4'11.. 120 lbs.. Brown messy but slightly groomed hair.  Tattered cloak, white tunic under that.  Black pantaloons.  Knee high brown leather boots.  Blue eyes.  He has a nose.  Pale faced, wears a necklace with a saphire-esc jewel.
FoxxDragon311:  that it? what about the wings?
Guarder:  Uhmm.. He has wings?
Guarder:  I kid..
Guarder:  Yeah, he has wings, I think you know about the lengths.  They're demonic like, think Firebrand, if you know who that is.
FoxxDragon311:  nope. any picture reference?
Guarder:  Of the wings?
FoxxDragon311:  yeah. and anything else, honestly
FoxxDragon311:  anything you have, or can find, to make it easier
Guarder:  Uhm, for hair, something like blades of hair, anime like.
Guarder:  Average build, not obesse, not thin.  Meat on his bones.
FoxxDragon311:  got it
Guarder:  Uhm a cloak like our pal Vincent Valentine, but black and a little worn.
FoxxDragon311:  that goes over the tunic?
Guarder:  Aye.
FoxxDragon311:  okay
And then he colored it, himself! How cool is that?
For a present in year 2004, i made Ali a comic based off the fact that, i forgot his birthday! So i went crazy and slammed together something in about hours.. then another day to comile it all. Phew! But it was damn good, and funny! Go ahead and check it out, but only if you can handle randomness....
And please, by all means check out, if you liked that!
Birthday Special