Fox Fanart
Heres the page where any and all of you who submit me you interpretation of Fox, get to show off your stuff to the world. Right now I have a bunch! but anyone else who sends me their picture of him, I promise to put up here. And I love seeing this stuff, it's always fun to see other people create Fox in their own little way. But enough about that, Enjoy!
The Anime-ified Foxes
simple, but effective
Fox and Kenji
Artist: Alfred Ali Floyd
This artist is Alfred, but don't ever call him that, he goes by Ali! Now anyway, Ali is one of my major and best friends on the net, we have a HUUUUGE 200+part story going on with Fox and his group, DRF. We're still going with it too, and sometimes I wonder if we'll EVER stop. It's just too hard to imagine for me, we've been doing this for years now, and I love every minute it of. But enough about my praising him, Ali used to be one of those obsessed anime people, so of course when he drew Fox he chose to draw him in "anime style" and if you don't think so then you can debate with him, but he did a fairly nice job with these. Ali drew these quite awhile ago and that was before I had perfected a certain ear style for Fox. I really liked how he drew the ears on him for these, so I started practicing that look, til I got what you see on him currently. So he helped me out! Since then, he's drawn the most fanart for Fox compared to anyone else! Not to mention now that he helps with the comic, he draws him tons. So I'm happy, and, you can see his own personal characters (like Kenji) and drawings, on his own page found HERE
The newest picture to be added to this, is the 4th one (obviously) thats twisty picture. I if I recall, he was supposed to be turning around and supposed to look surprised.. but he tried many times and just couldn't get it how he wanted.. eventually, he said "ah screw it!" and told me to use the first try he sent. So there ya have it.. I still think it looks kind of painful though. Either way, You get an A for effort Ali! If you want to see more of Ali's Fox, go to the comic!
He's got attitude..
A different take on the Dragon
Here.. catch..
Ridin' the wind
Artist: "Drakkon"
The person who did this actually didn't even know Fox(character wise) very long, but after looking at my site, she really wanted to draw him. And I don't have any problem with people recreating my stuff, just as long as you don't say you made the character. Heck, this page dedicated to those few, should say that. But you may view her work and compare between everyone's to find your favorite.
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Jaime's Fox
Flashback.. flashback!
Let me start by explaining my flashback thing. This drawing looks a helluva lot like my first few after that colored pencil drawing I did of him (first on in the gallery) The wings, the appendages, etc. This is her first try at him, so it's sorta like she's starting from where I did.. creepy! Anyway, it's cool she even tried, I love fanart ^_^
Artist: Jaime Nash
Do the twist!
"Failure" and Massive Success
First.. I don't honestly think this picture is all that bad.. I mean he was only in 10th grade! But he hates it, and the name of the picture he sent me is "poor Fox" So I figure I'll just carry that through and mock him some more!
But seriously.. I think it's pretty good for a first try, and at that young. I'm not sure if he expected me to put this up here.. But he should have known better! So there you go. This first one, is Kyle's first try.
But then here he comes, awhile later and does one of best ones yet! Colored in photoshop, even! I helped him with some shading, but he actually made this whole design with illustrator. For a school class, even! Which is pretty damn nice. It's certainly not the normal looking Fox, and it's exaggerated like crazy, but looks great! Awesome job Kyle!
If you cruise over to the Fox relation page, Noah Hyral, is his character that I drew for him. And have drawn a few times now, in the comic.
Artist: Kyle Rickard
Fanart that takes my job
You know after all these years, I STILL never drew Fox as a baby. Dragon or human. Mostly since I never drew cute characters until the comic with Snookums.. But still.. bad Nate, bad! See, now someone beat you to it. This looks almost exactly how I'd picture him too. And you know whats REALLY funny? Kenzi claims she can't draw. Thats right, she claims to have no talent in art. So, why don't you mail her.. thats and tell her how much of a LIAR she is!
This is awesome. I'm afraid to do a version of baby Fox myself.. now, because I'd feel like I was ripping this off.
Artist: Kenzi Wolf
Aint he cute?
Fox invades Illustrator
You knew it was coming.. MS Paint Fox
I actually LIKE getting these crazy fanart's. It means people aren't afraid to give them to me even though they can't really draw! Thats great! It's abstract. Maybe you can sell it to some art critic for 10 million dollars. I mean, you at LEAST put more time and effort into it, than some people who dip balls in paint and hit them against the canvas..
But seriously, I appreciate this, I don't CARE if you can draw. It's not a big deal! Thanks Joey!  sorry for taking so damn long to put this up..
Artist: Joey Lien
If I look like I'm in pain.. it's because I am.