Rax Zandar
Since I used Rax in an animation, I had to draw alot more of him than just the 3 on the previous page. So he gets his own page! This may grow, i'm not sure, only time will tell.. but enjoy these for now!
A simple drawing of a bunch of different poses. Something like this helps me view the character from different angles, and expressions.
Another character model sheet of sorts
Here we have Rax giving you, or someone close up to you, a clawed uppercut! I like the perspective angle on this one, because usually those are difficult for me.
He's on the attack.. In this, I tried to make his fangs really drip with saliva, you know, he's ravenously attacking.. whatever he sees. But I dont really think I got that image.. still, it's a decent pic, I'm okay with it.
This is kinda like Fox's electrical ball, but Rax is creating one, with two hands, and it's of fire, not lightning. Because Rax is fire elemental based.
And to end this, we have a picture of Rax unleashing a full fledged attack of fire. To really get the power of it, i went in and actually shaded it accordingly, and i'm very happy wth the result!
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Rax and all Rax pictures are created by and
property of Nathan Horsfall
Copyright 2002 and beyond
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