Chase Zandar
Chase is Fox's son, which he has actually had for many years.. but I've done almost nothing with. He is a mix between a human and a dragon, due to Marie being human, and Fox being a dragon. Rather than make that a cool thing for him, though, I decided to make it give Chase a hard life. Society doesn't take kindly to his "freakish" mix. As such, when he gets older, he choses to hide behind heavy clothing and a large fedora hat. He can be friendly, but mosy of the time he keeps to himself, and isn't at all the same kind of goofball that Fox can be. In fact, he has a slight adversion to those antics, since he feels partially neglected growing up, because of them.
Yup, the kid has alot of baggage. Not only that, he remains the black dragon that Fox was supposed to be colored. Not bothering to have that latered at all. So between being a mix.. and a black dragon at that, him and the public don't generally get along.
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Copyright 2007
Nate Horsfall
This was the first ever image of Chase, drawn years ago. It captured the kind of mix I wanted, but for using him as a serious character, I wanted to redesign it.

I put censor bars on the private areas so people wouldn't have a fit.
But I drew him naked, to point something out.. He NEEDS to wear clothes- or at least, pants. He can't just roam around with nothing, like Fox.
I also wanted to get the blending down between human and dragon, and had to do it all unvclothed for that to work. You'll notice too, I gave him hair. Much of the original design is intact, but the hair actually changes the character quite signifcantly.
And now we have him clothed. He almost always wears that hat and trenchcoat. Why? To hide the dragon features. If you weren't looking closely, you might not even notice he was a dragon at all. Some things are unfixable.. such as the tail, but for the most part, this is how he moves through public without getting into fights.
Inking Chase was a fun experiment because if i were to shade him fully, I would probably do it as dark as possible. Black dragon who likes to keep to the shadows.. you'll get harsh edges.  Chase also smokes, and drinks too. Something Fox won't do either of.
My favorite picture on this page though, is easily the bottom one. That came out pretty much exactly as I hoped. Picture him on a n empty night street. Just wandering..