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Very simple here, Fox is just ready for a fight! I drew this one awhile ago, so since then I've changed the look of the wings. But I think the pose is decent.
Well, I've put it off for awhile but I finally drew a BETTER human form for Fox! and here it is. I hope he still doesnt look like a biker to people! >_<
And heres the new and improved wings. Note that they would actually WORK, because they have the bones in the right spots.. see how much actually researching your subject matter helps?
I wasnt sure where to put this, but I put it in the Fox section cuz he's there too.. For my animation class, I did a project with Fox and Rax, and Marie too. But since they are very similar, I thought I would draw a comparison model, so you can really see the difference.
Heres a new take on things! He's DEAD! See, in one of the stories I roleplayed on the net, had a situation when Fox was actually not killed, but damn near close, by being impaled with his own sword. I thought that would be really damn cool to draw, so I did so. The setting for this is the FotHB tavern, in case you were curious.
All pictures created by Nathan Horsfall
Copyright 2002 and beyond
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Here we have Fox takin a swim. Simple as that really. I liked the shading  I tried to add in order to replicate the underwater type light reflections and shadows. Thats pretty hard stuff, and I think I did an okay job. One funny thing though.. he has no wings! I realized that after I finished.. then I was like "sonuva bitch.." so I just left them off.
The second picture was just done, like always, for the hell of it. Water and ripple effects with Photoshop.
I really like this picture.. shading adds alot, I just dont usually have the time to do it. It's Fox execirizing his electrical abilities and whipping a bolt out at the ground. It was fun to make, and as I said, I love the shading ^_^
This picture is just another one of Fox being happy. Like, if he just fnished something great and is cheering joyously. I called it "tada!" because thats what he looks like he's doing/saying.